
Racing unicycles from the bottom of Ireland to the top for the Irish Injured Jockeys Fund: a World Record attempt!

Racing unicycles from the bottom of Ireland to the top for the Irish Injured Jockeys Fund: a World Record attempt!

After near enough a year of training, Will Forsyth-Forrestand Hector Chamberlain are a month a way from trying to break a World Record!From the 4th July to the 14th July, we will race unicyles from the bottom of Ireland to the top, in aid of the Irish Injured Jockeys Fund !The Mission of the IIJF is to make a real difference to the lives and welfare of jockeys, past and present and their families by raising funds to provide enhanced help, care and support.Everyone knows that these brave jockeys are the only people who go to work everyday followed by an ambulance. They need all the help that we can get when it all goes wrong.As two students in Dublin we have enjoyed some fantastic days racing across Ireland, and this challenge presents the perfect opportunity as race goers to give back to the sport in which jockeys risk life and limb.If all goes to plan we will unicycle the 400 miles in 11 days dressed in racing colours and break the world record. The idea will be to cover the majority of the route together, and have races of different length each day to sort out the long-distance runners from the sprinters. Of course there will be handicaps in place and penalties if we fail to weigh in!You will be able to follow daily updates of the event on our blog: https://racing-unicycles-the-length-of-ireland-for-iijf.web…As well as on our facebook page: the internet isn’t your thing then you can literally follow us on whatever mode of transport tickles your fancy, as we are very keen to have a bit of a Forest Gump entourage !We really appreciate every donation, and will fund any costs ourselves so each and every penny will go to this brilliant charity.If you would like to help us reach our ambitious target of €20,000, the link is here you so much for any donation in advance, it will act as a huge motivational factor for what should be a very hard task! h

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