Irish Injured Jockeys launch an educational bursary for licensed jockeys
Bursary generously funded in memory of Kathleen Pierce |
Irish Injured Jockeys (IIJ), launched a bursary scheme for all current or former licensed jockeys who wish to further their education, retrain, or upskill. The bursary, generously funded by the Pierce family in memory of their late mother Kathleen, who was an avid racegoer, will make grants available to support the educational and career development goals of all licensed jockeys. The aim is to provide jockeys with enhanced career prospects when they leave racing. Equuip, Horse Racing Ireland’s education and training division, will support IIJ in managing the bursary scheme. IIJ welcomes applications from all licensed jockeys and grant applications will be considered for any nationally recognised and accredited education or training courses. Practical supports required to complete a course such as equipment, tools, or technology will also be considered. The application form is available here Irish Injured Jockeys General Manager, Michael Higgins, said: “This educational bursary scheme has been made possible by the generous donation from The Pierce family and will allow Irish Injured Jockeys to offer practical supports for educational and career development for all licensed jockeys. This is an area where we plan to devote increased resources to and I would encourage any current or former licensed jockey, thinking of returning to education or training, to consider applying for financial support. We are grateful to equuip for their knowledge and experience in helping to manage the scheme. Details of the scheme, including how to apply are available on our website.” Kathleen Pierce was from Howth in County Dublin and an avid racegoer all her life. Her favourite track was Galway and she was a big fan of Shane Broderick and Dorans Pride. Shane’s story prompted Kathleen’s children Karl, David and Emma to support Irish Injured Jockeys. |
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